Globally competent teachers...
"Global competence in teachers is a set of essential knowledge, critical dispositions, and performances that help foster development of learners' global competence. A globally competent teacher has knowledge of the world, critical global issues, their local impact, and the cultural backgrounds of learners; manifests intercultural sensitivity and acceptance of difference; incorporates this knowledge and sensitivity into classroom practice; and, develops the skills to foster these dispositions, knowledge, and performances in learners. The teacher models socially responsible action and creates opportunities for learners to engage in socially responsible action." © NAFSA: Association of International Educators, 2015.
Global Classrooms are...
Having uncomfortable conversations
Building awareness of cultural backgrounds
Exploring cultures in content
Focusing on real world issues
Taking action (service projects)
Allowing students voice & choice
Using visible/global thinking routines (3Ys & others)
Using rubrics that assess global competencies
Bringing the world to your students (virtual trips, virtual class exchanges, ePals, and other platforms)
Using technology
Global Unit Plan
This is the link to my globalized unit plan on health & healthcare in the Francophone world which was one of the assignments for the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms:
Why is Global Ed importan?
These are resources to help teachers incorporate SEL & Global Ed into their practice.
Teacher sites:
SDGs - UN's Sustainable Development Goals that every country is trying to meet by 2030.
Global Ed Resources - This site has a global checklist that teachers can use to help incorporate more global education as well as as school checklist for helping to make schools more globally focused.
Global Ed Asia Society - This site has a wealth of resources including lesson plans, the global education matrices for all subjects, and more.
School sites:
DCPS Global - This site helps school leaders, partners to provide students with an understanding of global cultures, world languages, and international perspectives.
Partnership for Global Learning - This downloadable book helps school leaders & educators how teach through a global lens.
Going Global - This downloadable book helps school leaders, teachers, and partners understand how to transform curriculum and instruction as well as how to advocate for global education with government officials.
Other sites:
CRE Scorecard - This site has downloadable culturally responsive education scorecards that stakeholders can use to ensure that materials are culturally relevant and sensitive for students.
ePals - This site can be used by students and educators to collaborate with others across the world for free.
Connecting Classrooms - This is another site that is free where educators can connect with other classrooms around the world for ages 6-11.